In the intricate tapestry of human history, the spiral serves as a powerful metaphor, depicting the cyclical nature of conflict and tranquility. Within this spiral lie the stages of war and peace, each marked by distinct emotions, actions, and consequences. As viewers...
Augmented Reality (AR) has allowed art to engage with public spaces in new ways. By adding digital elements to the physical world, AR opens up an entirely new form of art activism, giving artists a voice in the fight for a just and democratic city. At the same time,...
In a unique union of artists from different countries and artistic backgrounds, a dialogue unfolded, driving innovation and creating a new artistic landscape. A wide range of skills, experiences, perspectives, and understandings of art and the theme of war and peace...
Why did we start it? We, as artists, felt a deep commitment to using our creative abilities in times of conflict and chaos, to help navigate through them. Art has a unique power to convey complex realities and translate them in a way that speaks to everyone, while...
In an exciting development, Rostyslav Kuzyk has been invited to participate in the Augmented Reality Tales of war and peace project. He is taking the place of Ostap Slyvynsky in the future sessions, This innovative project aims to merge the worlds of art and...