We would like to invite you to experience the transnational and interdisciplinary art project “Augmented Reality Tales of War and Peace” a.k.a ARTWP on the streets and squares of Roskilde on Saturday 15 June @ 3.30pm. The meeting place is the Old Town Hall (Den Gamle Byrådssal) in Byens Hus, Stændertorvet 1, Roskilde.

The idea behind the ARTWP project arose when Danish and Ukrainian partners met in Denmark during the start of the extensive invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Shocked by the illegal act of war, they felt the need to respond creatively and artistically.
Since the first meeting, ARTWP, with the support of the European Creative Europe Foundation and many national, regional and local foundations, has brought together 18 artists incl. poets, writers, illustrators, musicians, sound artists, video artists and digital artists from Denmark, Ukraine, Italy and France.