Dans la tapisserie complexe de l’histoire humaine, la spirale sert de métaphore puissante, décrivant la nature cyclique du conflit et de la tranquillité. Dans cette spirale se trouvent les étapes de la guerre et de la paix, chacun marqué par des émotions distinctes, Actions, et les conséquences. As viewers navigate through an exhibition showcasing 25 digital artworks, they are invited to embark on a journey through these spiraling stages, contemplating the essence of humanity and its trajectory amidst chaos and harmony.

At the core of this exploration lies the question: why the spiral? The spiral, with its continuous curve, represents the perpetual motion of life—constantly evolving, yet often returning to familiar patterns. It symbolizes the cyclical nature of history, where the echoes of past conflicts resonate in the present, and where the promise of peace remains an elusive dream. Placed in a circular path, the artworks invite viewers to ponder the direction of humanity’s journey, tracing the steps through fear, destruction, despair, unité, support, resistance, hope, amour, and life.

The spiral stages of war and peace reflect the tumultuous spectrum of human experience. At the outset, there is fear and confusion, as individuals grapple with the uncertainty of conflict. Destruction follows, leaving behind scars—both physical and emotional—that linger long after the guns fall silent. Yet, amidst the rubble, there is unity—a collective resolve to rebuild and heal. Soutien, both local and global, becomes a lifeline, offering solace and solidarity in the face of adversity.

Resistance emerges as a testament to the human spirit, a refusal to surrender to despair. In its wake comes hope, a flickering flame amidst the darkness, igniting the possibility of a brighter tomorrow. Love transcends boundaries, binding communities together and nurturing the seeds of peace. And ultimately, life prevails, weaving its intricate tapestry of joy and sorrow, triumph and tragedy, in a nonlinear, yet profoundly meaningful journey.

As viewers traverse the spiral stages of war and peace within the exhibition, they are confronted with a tapestry of emotions and experiences augmented on top of the physical reality they live in. It resonates deeply with the societal fabric of Europe. Each stage unfolds like a chapter in a tumultuous narrative, revealing the profound impact of conflict and the enduring quest for harmony. The project leader from Ukraine, Nelly Klos came up with the different stages in the spiral said: “this is only about war for me, I can’t talk about peace, because I can no longer remember that feeling”.

The stages are interdependent, and through life, you will recognize that you go through the stages at different times.

  1. Fear and Confusion: At the outset of the spiral lies fear and confusion, as communities grapple with the specter of conflict looming on the horizon. In Europe’s history, this stage has been marked by moments of profound uncertainty—whether it be the outbreak of the First World War, the rise of totalitarian regimes during the Second World War, or the more recent tensions surrounding territorial disputes and geopolitical rivalries.
  2. Destruction: The next stage plunges into the depths of destruction, where the ravages of war leave indelible scars upon the landscape and the human psyche. From the bombed-out ruins of cities to the shattered lives of civilians, the impact of conflict reverberates across generations, reshaping the course of history and leaving a legacy of trauma and loss. “Everything you knew and everything you had was destroyed, and this is where my new life starts, and I can never go back to the life I lived before the war”, Nelly states.
  3. Despair: In the aftermath of devastation, despair takes hold, casting a shadow over the hopes and dreams of individuals and communities alike. This stage is characterized by a profound sense of hopelessness, as people struggle to come to terms with the magnitude of their losses and the daunting task of rebuilding their lives from the ashes like a Phoenix.
  4. Unity: Yet, amidst the darkness, there is unity—a collective rallying cry for solidarity and resilience in the face of adversity. This stage embodies the spirit of resilience that has defined Europe’s journey through conflict, from the solidarity of resistance movements during the Second World War to the transnational cooperation forged in the aftermath of the Cold War.
  5. Soutien (Local/Global): As communities come together to rebuild, support becomes a lifeline, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. Whether it be through local grassroots initiatives or international aid efforts, this stage underscores the importance of solidarity and compassion in times of crisis.
  6. Resistance (Local): Resistance emerges as a beacon of hope in the struggle against oppression and injustice. Throughout Europe’s history, resistance movements have played a pivotal role in confronting tyranny and defending the values of democracy and human rights—from the French Resistance during World War II to the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia.
  7. Hope: In the wake of resistance comes hope—a beacon of light in the darkness, inspiring individuals to envision a brighter future and strive for positive change. This stage is marked by a renewed sense of optimism and possibility, as communities embark on the journey towards reconciliation and peace.
  8. Love: Love transcends boundaries, binding communities together and fostering empathy and understanding in the face of adversity. This stage celebrates the power of compassion and human connection to heal the wounds of war and build bridges of reconciliation.
  9. Life (Linear, Randomly, Circular): Ultimately, life prevails, weaving its intricate tapestry of joy and sorrow, triumph and tragedy. This stage reflects the nonlinear, unpredictable nature of human existence, where moments of peace and conflict intersect in a complex dance of history and memory.

Throughout Europe’s tumultuous history, the spiral stages of war and peace have shaped the destiny of nations and the lives of millions. From the trenches of the First World War to the fall of the Berlin Wall, and now the invasion of Ukraine, each stage represents a chapter in the ongoing struggle and moving back and forth for freedom, justice, and human dignity.

This augmented reality tales project of war and peace serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring legacy of war and the imperative for peace. By engaging with the digital artworks on display, viewers are invited to reflect on Europe’s turbulent past and imagine a future where the spiral of conflict is replaced by the spiral of progress and reconciliation. It is a journey of introspection and empathy, inviting us to confront the uncomfortable truths of our shared history and embrace the transformative power of art to heal, inspire, and unite.

The universal spiral depicted in these artworks reflects the complexity of human conflict, with some stops missing, representing the gaps in our understanding and the constant process of learning. It is a journey of introspection and outward exploration, navigating the intricacies of bureaucracy and the global community. From revolutions to invasions, from colonization to independence, the spiral traces the evolution of societies, each step marked by triumphs and tribulations.

Yet, amidst the chaos, there is a glimmer of hope—a hope that perceptions can be changed, that understanding can transcend borders, and that empathy can bridge divides. As viewers engage with the artworks, they are confronted with the harsh realities of war, challenging them to confront their own complicity in the pursuit of peace.

Artists from Ukraine, Danemark, France, and Italy, each offering a unique perspective on war and peace, a perspective coming from the place and space of their lives in Europe. Through their digital artworks, they invite viewers to delve into the depths of human suffering and resilience, urging them to confront the uncomfortable truths of our shared humanity.

In the end, the exhibition serves as a reminder that the pursuit of peace is not a passive endeavor—it requires courage, empathy, and a willingness to confront the complexities of our world. As viewers immerse themselves in the spiral stages of war and peace, they are challenged to imagine a future where conflict is replaced by compassion, and where the echoes of war are silenced by the harmonious chorus of humanity.

The Hopes of Ukrainians are emphasized amidst the turmoil of war and conflict. As artists from Ukraine meet artists from Italy, France and Denmark, their perspectives offer a unique insight into war and peace. Despite facing the harsh realities of conflict and experiencing the devastation firsthand, Ukrainians continue to embody a sense of resilience and optimism for a better future.

Within the spiral stages of war and peace, hope emerges as a beacon of light, inspiring individuals to envision a brighter tomorrow and strive for positive change. Ukrainians, like many others impacted by war, exemplify this spirit of hope as they navigate through the stages of fear, destruction, and despair towards unity, support, and ultimately, paix.

Their participation in the project reflects a desire to share their experiences and perspectives with a wider audience, fostering understanding and empathy across borders. Through their artworks, Ukrainians offer a glimpse into their journey of resilience, reminding viewers of the indomitable human spirit that perseveres even in the darkest of times.

In essence, the text underscores the hope of Ukrainians as a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit to overcome adversity and forge a path towards peace and reconciliation. Their voices resonate within the exhibition, serving as a reminder of the resilience, courage, and hope that define the human experience in the face of conflict.